Jia Kang

PhD Candidate

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Email: kangjia1127@gmail.com


Large-scale, nonlinear dynamic models frequently arise when describing the physics of important engineering and biological problems. In this research, we are developing new algorithms that exploit concurrent computing architectures to provide efficient parallel solution of large-scale parameter estimation problems, focusing on those with both temporal and spatial structure that can be exploited.


Kang, J., Word, D.P., and Laird, C.D., "An interior-point method for efficient solution of block-structured NLP problems using an implicit Schur-complement decomposition", submitted to Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2013.
Word, D.P., Kang, J., Akesson, J., and Laird, C.D., "Efficient Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization Problems", submitted to Computation Optimization and Applications, 2013.


Kang, J., Word, D.P., Akesson, J., and Laird, C.D., "An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Optimal Operation Under Uncertainty", to be presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.
Seth, A., Word, D.P., Kang, J., Cummings, D., Laird, C.D., "NLP Approaches for Estimation of Seasonal Transmission Parameters in Childhood Infectious Diseases", INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 8, 2013.
Word, D.P., Kang, J., Watson, J.P., Woodruff, D.L., Akesson, J., and Laird, C.D., "Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Nonlinear Parameter Estimation Problems", ICCOPT Portugal, July, 2013.
Kang, J., Word, D.P., Akesson, J., Laird, C.D., "Efficient Optimization of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Under Uncertainty Using Parallel Decomposition", 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO10), Orlando, FL, USA, May, 2013.
Kang, J., and Laird, C.D., "An Efficient Parallel Decomposion Algorithm for Block-Structured Nonlinear Programming Problems", 13th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, January, 2013.
Word, D.P., Kang, J., Akesson, J., and Laird, C.D., "A Schur-Complement Decomposition Approach for Efficient Parallel Optimization of Dynamic Systems", 13th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, January, 2013.
Kang, J., Watson, J.P. and Laird, C.D., "Robust Optimization for Unit Commitment using Pyomo", Coopr Workshop, INFORMS Computing Society, Santa Fe, NM, January, 2013.
Kang, J., Word, D.P., Akesson, J., and Laird, C.D., "Parallel Decomposition of Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization Problems", AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2012.
Kang, J., Word, D.P., Woodruff, D.L., Watson, J.P., and Laird, C.D., "Parallel Solution of Structured Nonlinear Problems Using Pyomo and PySP", 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Berlin, Germany, August, 2012.
Kang, J., Akesson, J., and Laird, C.D., "Parallel Solution of Large-Scale, Block-Structured, Nonlinear Programming Problems with Significant Coupling", AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2011.
Kang, J., Legg, S., Zhu, Y., and Laird, C.D., "Efficient Parallel Optimization On Emerging Computational Architectures", AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November, 2010.
Zhu, Y., Legg, S., Kang, J., and Laird, C.D., "Parallel Solution of Nonlinear Optimization Problems on Emerging Architectures", ExxonMobil Chemical, Baytown, TX, October 19, 2010.


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