Carl D. Laird

Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University


Carl Laird is a faculty member in the Chemical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Laird's research interests include large-scale nonlinear optimization and parallel scientific computing. Focus areas include chemical process systems, power grid optimization, homeland security applications, and large-scale infectious disease spread. Dr. Laird is the recipient of several research and teaching awards, including the INFORMS Computing Prize, the CAST Division Outstanding Young Researcher Award, the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Development (CAREER) Award and the Montague Center for Teaching Excellence Award. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software and the IBM Bravo award for his work on IPOPT, a software library for solving nonlinear, nonconvex, large-scale continuous optimization problems. Dr. Laird earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon in 2006 and his Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta.

INFORMS Computing Society Prize (Hart, Laird, Nicholson, Siirola, Watson, Woodruff, Hackebeil) [2019]
AIChE CAST Award for Excellence and Service [2018]
Sandia SPOT Award [2018, 2019]
R&D 100 Award for Pyomo 4.1 (Hart, Laird, Siirola, Watson, Woodruff, Hackebeil) [2016]
Outstanding Young Researcher, AIChE CAST Division [2015]
AIChE Professor of the Year, Student Chapter, Texas A&M University [2013]
Caterpillar Teaching Excellence Award [2011-2012]
Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software [2011]
NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award [2010]
Top Cited Article in 'Discrete Optimization', 2005-2010 [2010], (see article)
Herb H. Richardson Fellowship [2010]
Appointed the holder of the William and Ruth Neely Faculty Fellowship in Chemical Engineering [2010]
TEES Select Young Faculty [2010]
Montague-Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University [2010]
Registered Student Organization New Advisor of the Year [2010]
Celanese Excellence in Teaching Award, Texas A&M University [2009]
AIChE Professor of the Year, Student Chapter, Texas A&M University [2009]
Poster Award, 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, PSE'09, Brazil [2009]
Federation of A&M Mother's Clubs, Yearbook Dedication for Outstanding Service to Students [2009]
The Physicians Center Guest Coach Honor, Texas A&M [2008]
IBM Research Bravo Award [2005]
ChEGSA Symposium Speaker Award [2003]
Mark Dennis Karl Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award [2002]
Canadian National Sciences and Engineering Research Council Fellowship [2000]
KITE Award, Red Deer College, Canada [1994]
Society of Petroleum Engineers Scholarship, University of Alberta, Canada [1994]
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship, Alberta, Canada [1993]