Arpan Seth
PhD Candidate
Purdue University
School of Chemical Engineering
Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering
480 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Optimization provides a great tool for many applications related to public water distribution networks. Accurate modeling of network hydraulics and water quality requires real-time estimation of model parameters including network demands, and real-time data reconciliation and gross error detection. During normal operations, an accurate hydraulic model can be used for optimal planning that minimizes energy costs, and an accurate water quality model can be used to maintain chlorine requirements at minimum cost. In the event of an accidental or intentional contamination in the water network, real-time response and recovery planning is required to efficiently and quickly minimize the health and economic impact.
This research focuses on development of dynamic models that describe the hydraulics and water quality in public water distribution networks. For network operation and security applications, we provide techniques where these models are embedded directly into the optimization formulation and solved simultaneously. Special attention is given to the development of fast and scalable algorithms that can help in solving these problems in real-time for large and complex networks.
Klise, K.A., Siirola, J.D., Hart, D.B., Hart, W.E., Phillips, C.A., Haxton, T., Murray, R., Janke, R., Taxon, T., Laird, C.D., Seth, A., Hackebeil, G., McGee, S., Mann, A.V., "Water Security Toolkit User Manual Version 1.1", Sandia National Laboratories, SAND2013-8346P, 2013. |
Seth, A., McGee, S., McKenna, S., Hart, D.B., and Laird, C.D., "An application for real-time response to contamination events in a large-scale public water network", to be presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013. |
Seth, A., Word, D.P., Kang, J., Cummings, D., Laird, C.D., "NLP Approaches for Estimation of Seasonal Transmission Parameters in Childhood Infectious Diseases", INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 8, 2013. |
Klise, K., Laird, C.D., Hackebeil, G., Seth, A., Murray, R., and Haxton, T. , "Evaluation of booster station placement for water quality and water security concerns", EWRI 2013, Cincinnati, OH, May, 2013. |
Seth, A., Mann, A., Klise, K., Haxton, T., and Laird, C.D., "Development of a Testbed for Contaminant Source Inversion Methods", EWRI 2013, Cincinnati, OH, May, 2013. |
Seth, A., Mann, A., McGee, S., and Laird, C.D., "A Real-Time Source Inversion and Optimal Sampling Strategy for Large-Scale Drinking Water Distribution Systems", 13th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, January, 2013. |
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