Alberto Benavides-Serrano

PhD Candidate

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Current strategies to place gas sensors in industrial settings are based upon heuristics or semi-quantitative approaches. Optimal sensor placement is difficult due to the large number of unknown variables that influence the risks associated with gas leaks. Heuristic and semi-quantitative approaches can give results that are far from optimal in terms of cost and risk reduction. This research presents adaptations to a sensor placement formulation which incorporate sensor voting schemes and probability of sensor failure. In many instances, release events are not considered detected until multiple detectors acknowledge the release. Therefore, modified formulations must be developed to take into account this need for sensor voting. Additionally, this research considers adaptations to the original sensor placement formulation that account for the imperfect sensor, or the sensor that has some probability of failure.


Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S.W., Vazquez-Roman, R., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A Stochastic Programming Approach for the Optimal Placement of Gas Detectors: Unavailability and Voting Strategies", to appear in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013. [pdf]
Benavides-Serrano, A., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A Quantitative Assessment on the Placement Practices of Gas Detectors in the Process Industries", to appear in Proceedings, Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium, 2013.
Legg, S.W., Wang, C., Benavides-Serrano, A.J., Laird, C.D., "Optimal Gas Detector Placement Under Uncertainty Considering Conditional-Value-At-Risk", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 26, May 2013, Pages 410-417. [pdf]
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S.W., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "Optimizing Gas Detector Layouts by Considering False Positives and False Negatives Through Unavailability and Voting Considerations", Proceedings of, 5th Latin American Conference on Process Safety, Cartagena, Colombia, August, 2013. [pdf]
Legg, S.W., Benavides-Serrano, A.J., Siirola, J.D., Watson, J.P., Davis, S.G., Bratteteig, A., Laird, C.D., "A Stochastic Programming Approach for Gas Detector Placement Using CFD-Based Dispersion Simulations", Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 47, December 2012, Pages 194-201. [pdf]
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S.W., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A stochastic programming approach for optimal gas sensor layout considering sensor reliability", Proceedings of, Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium, College Station, TX, October, 2012.


Benavides-Serrano, A., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "Gas Detectors Layout Optimization Considering False Positive and False Negatives: A Stochastic Programming Approach and a Quantitative Assessment of the Process Industries", to be presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A Quantitative Assessment on the Placement Practices of Gas Detectors in the Process Industries", to be presented at Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium, College Station, TX, 2013.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D, "Optimizacion del Posicionamiento de Detectores de Gas: Consideracion de Falsos Positivos y Falsos Negativos a traves de Disponibilidad y Voto", San Buenaventura University, Cartagena, Colombia, August, 2013.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D, "Optimizing gas detector layouts by considering false positive and false negatives through unavailability and voting considerations", 5th Latin American Conference on Process Safety, Cartagena, Colombia, August, 2013.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A Stochastic Programming Formulation for the Optimal Layout of Gas Detectors in the Process Industries", 13th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Santa Fe, NM, January, 2013.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A stochastic programming approach for optimal gas sensor layout considering sensor reliability", Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium, College Station, TX, October, 2012.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S., Wang, C., and Laird, C.D., "Optimal layout of gas detector networks: A comparison study", AIChE Spring Meeting & 8th Global Congress on Process Saftey, Houston, TX, March, 2012.
Benavides-Serrano, A., Legg, S., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "A Reliability-P-Median Formulation for optimization of Gas Detector Layout in Process Facilities", AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2012.
Legg, S., Benavides-Serrano, A., Mannan, M.S., and Laird, C.D., "Optimal Placement of Gas Detectors in Process Facilities Using Conditional-Value-At-Risk", AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2012.


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